martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

experience in produced publication in my blogg

Hello in this publiaction i talk about  my experience in produced publication in blogg:
In this semester  i make one blogg and i make six publication. I think  that is very  good write in this space , i express ideas, my view  about some thing , the form of think and i feel  that  is very beneficial on the other hand  i used more time  in produced  publication blogg.
My favoryte blog g that i write is about is the my favoryte  animal, the  topic is very  enjoyable and my boring blog is bad custom , the topic  is very  tire and dont  like . The publication of my family  was very emotive ,  i remember many thing  in the time, my first moment in the life  and my school . The topic of my area of specialization was very  complicated, the topic of my favoryte country to visit , is very  interested Japan is the better country, finally  the topic of my second semester was very true ,this semester is very terrible , test , test and test , this situation is very disagree able. In this momento  i give up this blogger  becouse need many time for my studies u.u  

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

My favorite country to visit

Hello everyone, in this oportunity i will talk about my favorite place to visit in the future.
I think  in the diferent countries in the planet the best is Japan, because exist a rich cultural and the same time time diferent in many forms is very interting for me, beatiful places for example where they dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, Tokyo is known for be one of the most populated places in the world, also the food is very extravagant, they eat octopus, bugs, shark , eel, and one of the most dangerous fish in the world is the blow fish. The people is very friendly they are very good person, This country is also known for the begins of warriors samurai in another time.

Also in Japan They were born martial arts like aikido.

Japan is known for the anime, the anime is a type of cartoon, there are many types some romantic and others with high content of violence, the most famous anime for me is Dragon ball, is very funny this anime. also i like the music for this anime, i listen all day with my phone in the mornings

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

bad custom

hello in this publication i will speak about of my  bad custom in the university and home.
i think that between my bad custom one of most bad  is say bad word, is very irritating  and rude but is  very spontaneous say bad word. other bad custom that i have is sleep all day, sleep is my favoryte routine i sleep in every chance. in tho other and  i am very disorganized  in my bedroom and my bag, i think will change  this problem. i have other problem that is very usual, i not listen to person, becouse i not attentive, is a big problem ,i not like that the other person think bad of my.
I could be  better  person  if  look my bad custom and i resolve this problem and job in improve as person.

Finally i think that all person have bad custom  y every day all  have to improve.

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015

a photograph i like


In this  momento  i will talk about a fotograph i like;

I love this fotograph because  I have good memories , in this fotograph my brother played in my bedroom;  my brother  called Martin Saavedra,  he have one  year ago,  martin is very happy  and  he have big smile in this fotograph ,  I took this photo with my phone.
I like this photo becouse  Martin is very diferent in size  in this moment, when I took this photo he is very small on the other and, I like the diferent  colors  and the form of my fotograph;  in adittion  i love my broter  is very  adorable,  good person and very naughty.

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

area of specialization

In this publication talk about of my area of specialization in the future,
my favorite area in veterinaria medicine is this moment  not is clear becouse i not understand that i will do in each  area of specialization. but i think of way superficial , i choose the genetic of population becouse its have topic interesting for example the reason of  that the animal have one disease, is consequence direct often of genetic. in addition this area have topics of other areas for example statistics and mathematics , firt mathematics is one area that is many easy for me, in the school and university  i understand  quickly all topic of mathematics in the other hand  i think that   the statistics is very useful in the measuring  of the population, in veterinay medicine  statistic is essential in the long of the time.

in conclution in the future i will  choose  one area of specialization that  its have area of mathematics and statistics.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

my animal favoryte

my animal favorite is dog becouse is very is dependent of the human and it is intelligent becouse it can undertand  every word that you are  speak, on  the other the dogs are the better friend of the human.
When i was for years age, my  mother one day in winter , i gift my firts pet, my pet was a female dog i call bianca, form this day i love the dogs, they are like us, its have very atribute positive for example loyal, affectionate, intrepid,curious, expressive, restless and very happy when i arrive in my house.
I think that the dog are very important in my life,becouse my pet are always whit me, and its have for ever hapinnes and time for me.

I have two female dog, firt speak  of my dog call lulu , its have  ten years age its is mixed race, she is little, hair brown, I love lulu, she is part of my family , on the other hand my dog renata is a dachshunt,  renata is  very little  in compartion  with lulu, she is very obstinate.

martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

my favorite sistem technology


In this publication i am going to write about of the  my  sistem technology favorite.
The desktop is one of the invention most incredible and useful of the last century, the computer is one analytic tool that present  several  advance in  the tecnology and the science.
i like the  desktop  because  is very useful  in diferent  work  of the university, also i have more time than I used other  work tool. in adittion  the computer is very easy  to use because this have  one sistem operating  friendly that anibody can use.

I think that desktop  is better  in comparison  with the laptop, because  laptop is breakable  and it has short live time in the other hand laptop use one charger very irritating.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

second semester

In this semester i have many class of  different topic, for example I have biochemistry , biology, anatomy , Inglish, histology,and  ecology .I think that i don´t have much time in the diferrent days from the semester becouse I need study  at every moment and i have many practical work in the laboratory. I like know new topic this are very interesting for me becouse expand my limit  of know about of the nature.
The class of anatomy is very interesting becouse i look the diferent parts of animal and  besides i cant touch all structures of animal .

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

My life in sevent lines

My name is Roberto Saavedra Rojas, i was born in the city Santiago of Chile, in the year 1993, I  am the seventh Roberto in my family, the name roberto is traditional  in the history  of  my ancestor. My mather call Ines and my father call Roberto they are part essentail in my training . I have one brother Martin and one sister Claudia, they are most younger and i live whit my grandmother in La Florida and I have two dogs Lulu and Renata. I first studied mechanical engineering two year in the Santa maria university , now i study the veterinary in the Antumapu faculty in the University of Chile and besides i have study since 2014 aikido in hikary dojo.