martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

bad custom

hello in this publication i will speak about of my  bad custom in the university and home.
i think that between my bad custom one of most bad  is say bad word, is very irritating  and rude but is  very spontaneous say bad word. other bad custom that i have is sleep all day, sleep is my favoryte routine i sleep in every chance. in tho other and  i am very disorganized  in my bedroom and my bag, i think will change  this problem. i have other problem that is very usual, i not listen to person, becouse i not attentive, is a big problem ,i not like that the other person think bad of my.
I could be  better  person  if  look my bad custom and i resolve this problem and job in improve as person.

Finally i think that all person have bad custom  y every day all  have to improve.

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